Helmut Newton at The Annenberg Space for Photography

On Saturday, July 6th I visited The Annenberg Space for Photography’s Helmut Newton exhibition. This exhibition runs from June 29, 2013-September 8, 2013. Having a facility as nice as The Annenberg Space for Photography that has exhibitions of incredible photography at no charge to the public is really fantastic. If you have a chance to attend one of the exhibitions or even one of their (also free) lecture series it is well worth your time.

The exhibition was very well thought out and showed a large variety of Helmut Newton’s work as well as a well-produced video that gave a comprehensive and interesting overview of his work and legacy. 

If I had a single criticism it would be the quality of the prints shown for the exhibition. Now I will be the first to admit that I am a stickler for quality. As a photographer I am extremely picky about how the images I create are used, shown and displayed, but the quality of the prints didn’t stand up to any of his work that I’ve seen so far and quite frankly, it took away from the impact of the overall show.

Now before I ruffle too many feathers out there let me be clear. This is/was a fantastic opportunity to see work from Helmut Newton that you don’t often get to see in an amazing facility at no cost and I am incredibly thankful and have huge respect for The Annenberg Space for Photography’s work and contribution to our photographic community and I will support them and their efforts in any way I can. 

Overall I say that the time and effort to go to this exhibition is well worth it. And please support The Annenberg Space for Photography. The opportunities to see amazing work and learn from current photographers is incredible.